
Archive for the ‘Run 'N' Fun’ Category

I took the plunge, faced the fear, and tackled the challenge. #25 to be exact.

I โค Indian/Nepalese food. MMMM. Makes me even MORE excited to be traveling to India at the end of July (if it wasn’t for this nuisance of a visa app process, bleh.) Looks like I wasn’t only dining alone, but I had the whole place to myself! Lucky for me, the Nepalese manager speaks a little English. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I ordered the ‘yooj’ (how do you shorten ‘usual’…hmmm. Anyway, Set A: Chicken Tandoori with a side salad, and Chicken Curry and Naan. I finished about 1/3 of each (curry and naan). 1) Because it was only 4:30 and I still had to run (and not get ‘the runs’), and 2) I really wanted leftovers for lunch for the next two days instead of cooking.

Ok, so I’m no pro at the whole foodie picture-taking talent, but it’s a work in progress.

Eating out alone was kind of nice. I took my sweet time, chatted with the manager and enjoyed the Indian music videos on T.V. while I ate. It was a little hot in there though, and with the addition of a spicy meal, I was practically in puddles. Oh well, it was oishi, and I would definitely recommend solo eating to others, heck, I might make a habit of it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

After my quick bite, I headed home, and watched a lil F.R.I.E.N.D.S. to relax and wait for my NEW FRIEND to call. You see, we have 2 new teachers at Owani, that’s right, 2 more!!! They are both 21 years old, and students in university in Hirosaki. One of them saw me running and instantly knew who to ask for a buddy. YES! Only 10 months too late…I’m leaving soon and I’ve just found the perfect running buddy!!! We jogged around Hirosaki for a good hour, chatting the whole time (well mostly me, as I’m sure that doesn’t surprise many ofย  you), but her English is fabulous! AND, even though she is student teaching now, she will graduate with a Humanities degree and wants to become a reporter! I told her she should come visit in Minnesota and get a job there! You all know how clear the mid-Westerners speak right. ๐Ÿ˜€ (I’m obv a little biased, but I have heard that many of the news people/reporters who are hired nationally are from the Midwest because of their clear accents…I’m just relaying what I heard ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

After a cool evening sweat sesh, I was ready for beddy. We all know 4a.m. is gonna come too soon. :-/


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The afternoon was waaaaaaay to beautiful to stay cooped up inside, and being that it was Sunday, I had no work commitments and could ride all around town, which is exactly what I did. Having 3 different Japanese people give me a blank stare for a good 10 seconds while smiling (and one who waved), was definitely a mood booster, considering they either mistakenly confused me with Jennifer Aniston roaming about Northern, rural Japan, or…they so infrequently see a gaijin (foreigner) they were ‘star struck’ by the sight of me peddling by like the witch of the west straight out of the Wizard of Oz. Most likely the latter. At any rate, I exchanged a smile and friendly wave to each complete stranger.

Biking down the avenue, past one of my favorite shopping loc’s…other than the consignment* shop (Don Don’s).

*In an email to my mom the other day I typed, “I love all the deals I find at the confinement shop.” Oops ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Look at these two bad a$$es rollin’ thru town:

Hirosaki Park is ringin’ in a 400th anniversary this year!

Is it in fact spring?

And then some shopping ensued. Did I mention before that these are 4 different stores, on the same street?! The first one sells homey, garden type things, some clothes, and kitchenware. The second is bags, journals, knick-knacky stuff, the 3rd is a jewelery store, and the 4th is geared almost solely for children.

I came home to granny sitting doing none other than her basket-weaving, however every step I took, I’d turn around and there she was listing off another thing I need to do/change. Evidently she’s worried about robbers and insists I lock my windows everyday (even though I’m on the second floor, set the alarm on the kitchen door (after locking it of course), turning the heat down low on the kitchen sink, putting plastic wrap over all food going into the microwave….the list goes on. Love the lady, but trying to communicate in another language that I don’t understand can be a wee bit exhausting at times. Just sayin’.


Monday is Sports Day! And another 6 sunny days ahead…at least!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend U.S.A.!


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Look at Granny’s green thumb! Looks like she does have a few other hobbies besides basket-weaving. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Not only does her yard radiate with fresh signs of spring, but the entire city is blooming, and seriously, these flowers smell so good, they could easily be mistaken for grape-flavored fruit snacks.

Summin’ up the weekend here in Hirosaki, there was nothing but sunshine and miles to be ran. Remember the races I’ve gotta prepare for? It all sounded like fun, until I had to throw in a long mileage day, like this weekend…with a 9-miler. But before I pounded the pavement, I took full advantage of my rest day Friday and laid low a la casa de Rachelle. And look how awesome her mom is!!! She brought me a little love from Toronto and I couldn’t be more excited! My first piece of Lululemon attire!

Thanks Pocket’s mom!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

Saturday turned out to be a very productive day, including a 4-miler in the a.m. to go fetch my bike, still at Alesha’s from last weekend. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

I made a quick pit stop by the public library to return Marley and Me, which I FINALLY finished, which I definitely cried reading (and I don’t even care for animals…I’m going to hell, I know), and which I checked out LAST AUGUST. When I walked in and started skimming the shelves for a new read, I realized that once they check-in my book and see when it was rented…I’m thinking I’m probably banned from ever checking out books again. Oops. I left empty-handed, but maybe I’ll muster up the courage to go back. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I decided to get a little more fitness in for the day, since my alternative was to go home and do laundry (no thanks) and when I biked to Budokan for a 20 minute H.I.I.T. cardio blast, I left with squeezing in an upper body lift sesh, too. Wow, talk about motivation comin’ outta left field. Must be that sunshine!

After picking up a few groceries (I swear I’m always doing that!) I headed back to Granny’s to have an early night in with F.R.I.E.N.D.S (the show, although I’d like to consider them my real ones), and was up to great my 9-miler on Sunday morning at 6a.m.

It’s been a glorious weekend thus far! More sunshine ahead in the forecast, and guess who’s happy? :mrgreen:


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So it’s FINALLY Friday and that can only mean ONE THING…the 6 day streak of rain is OVAH!!…that is, if Mother Nature cooperates and follows through on her promise of sun for the next 5 days. That would be nice.

The workday is done, I’m off for a run, but to keep you all occupied until my next (and much more exciting) post I’ll leave you with my new project:

Like many other bloggers, I’ve jumped on the bandwagon: 101 in 1001.


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Well, it’s the time of year again, when I start to enjoy the outdoors, running, and most of all….ROAD RACES! I thought I would wait until I returned back to Minny, but since there are not one, but TWO great offers right in front of me, well heck, why not?!

First up: Takenoko Marathon (here in Japan, marathon just means race, I’ve gathered). Offered is a 1.5k, 2.5k, 3.5k, 5k, and 10k. Can you guess which plunge I’m gonna take!? That’s right. Going for the gold…it’s a 10k for me, coming up on June 27th! Eeep, better get my training schedule mapped out.

…oh but wait, there’s more.

One week later…for the 4th of July, I’ll be crankin’ out a Half-Mary in Aomori City. I know I mentioned this in the last post, but now that the forms are submitted, it’s officially official.

Nothing new on the teaching side of things, and granny’s doin’ well. She greets me every night at the front door when she hears her garage door open. I’m gonna miss that. And her basket-weaving. I probably won’t miss the manual washing machine, however.

Now that I’m back in Hirosaki, I may have missed the majority of the Cherry Blossoms while I was away, but spring has definitely sprung here and everything is in full bloom. Makes for a lot more enjoyable runs outside!

I like these trees better than the Cherry Blossoms, to be honest. They’re so plump and bright, just gorgeous!

Since we have a sunny forecast for the rest of the week and up until next Tuesday, supposedly, then I shall make the effort to get into Hirosaki Park for more than a run, but actually have my mom-camera in tow. It’s such a hassle to lug around, grrr, but those flowers and trees are totally worth it.

Last night, I continued my social streak by meeting the gang at “Stamina Taro.” It’s a yakiniku (korean bbq) restaurant, but buffet style. Could get dangerous. I should have taken pictures. Next time, promise. There are shelves and shelves of meats on platters (refrigerated) and seasoned, along with a salad bar (where I cleared out the broccoli bowl…twice), and a whole dessert side of the restaurant. Not to mention, sushi options, crepes, make your own cotton candy), fruit bar, EVERYTHING. I definitely got my $20 worth. :-/ And totally negated my 4 mile run and lifting sesh.

For the record, 75 days, 8 hours, and 32 minutes I’ll be back in Minnesota. Excited much!? I blame my mac Widget for reminding me daily, but when the time actually comes, I’m sure I’ll be quite sad.

No teaching today, so I’m off to look productive…and maybe prepare for a job back home!? BLEH.

To all you on this side of the world, tomorrow’s FRIDAY! :mrgreen:

P.S. Here is one of my purchases from the trip. I heart Zara.


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Friday kicked off the holiday weekend with a bang, when I got to meet the Japanese Olympic skier who is an alum of our junior high! ***Pictures coming asap***

Since working out has clearly been put on the back burner, why not go out with Ms. ichi-nensei on Friday night for a late-night feast? No regrets.

After her long hours finished at school, Ms. ichi-nensei came by my house to pick me up and we headed into Hirosaki. We were going to go to her parents yakiniku:

(Korean BBQ) restaurant, but the Friday night University crowd was out in full-force. No room for us ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Instead, we headed over to a little Italian joint, right by the quaint โ€˜Zilchโ€™ coffee shop.

We hopped up on the bar stools and made ourselves right at home. Within minutes, I was introduced to a veteran diner- who is a professor at Hirosaki University and whose parents grew up in Rochesterโ€ฆI canโ€™t get away from Minnesota even if I wanted to! (donโ€™t forget, it was Ms. ichi-nensei who did her student teaching in Bloomington, MN). Such.A.Small.World. โ€“especially being that I’m located in rural Japan, oh and one of Mr. Profโ€™s colleagues is from MN! Iโ€™ll be meeting him next time.

Even though 10p.m. is a little late for dinner, it was spectacular! It was my first real Italian cuisine since arriving in Japan. (Get out much?!) The cook is actually from Tunisia and speaks fluent English, French, Japanese, and Italianโ€ฆpossibly more. Oh, and he REALLY likes wine.

We were also introduced to a Japanese cartoonist who stumbled his way over and just let the verbal diarrhea flowโ€ฆHe asked me how his English was, and honestly, not bad!…He proceed to tell me how he became so good at itโ€ฆ.Back in the day, when Playboy came out, he bought every issue, and it โ€˜taught him everything he knows.โ€™ Crazy Japanese, I tell ya!


Saturday and Sunday obviously meant ‘veg-out days’ but, had the weather been at least some-what cooperative, maybe, just maybe I would have ventured outside…but it was cold, dreary, and very unwelcoming. So, movies it was! I watch Up in the Air, The Propasal (again!), and 500 Days of Summer. The only winner- The Proposal, hence watching if for a second time. One of my favorite movies ever, maybe because my future husband is in it. True stalker love.


Monday was a holiday for us Japanese residents and I took full advantage. I saw a peek of sunlight, strapped on my kicks and headed out for almost an hour jogging around Hirosaki! Running is my anti-depressant, and especially when that sun is shining! And I owe you people some pictures, I swear, they’re coming…now that I can keep my hands exposed to the air for more than 30 seconds without them falling off…spring will bring new inspiration! I continued my fitness by walking to the other side of Hiro (45 minute walk!) to get carrots, yes, they’re that good…and only Y58 for the whole bag (that’s about 58 cents!) YAY!…So I was a produce hoarder again…I already had 3 bags at home…and bought 4 more. If you notice my skin turning to a jaundice yellow, you’ll know why. It turned out to be the most interesting day I tell ya- after walking across the country for silly carrots, I made my way to get the rest of my groceries, where my encounters began.

Ito Yokado, the local grocery store, full of great deals, crowds of running Japanese (thanks to the holiday)- I should have avoided this place like the plague, but then I would have never met Eiko, an English- speaking resident who was eager to chat…and introduce her 21 year old son. I thought going out in Japan meant I didn’t have to put myself together since I wouldn’t know anyone…I thought wrong. Evidently she was trying to do a little match-making and here I was looking like a grungy-far-from-put-together-gaijin. I know for next time.

Boarding the train did not go without entertainment either, when another English-speaking-chain-smoking man struck up a conversation with me too, and the proceeded to shake my hand when he left. Guess I won’t eat my dinner until after I get home and scrub my hands. I wasn’t that hungry anyway…(oh wait, I was STARVING!)

After spending 4 hours preparing meals and slowly pickin’ up the place, I hopped in the shower and jammed out to some Justin Bieber!…until I heard this incessant beeping. Hmmm? What could it be?! None other than my smoke alarm going off because I’d filled my entire first floor with steam from the shower. Oops, well, glad to know the detectors work!

It’s a 4-day week and comin’ up- I’ve got some BIG news ๐Ÿ˜€ Stay tuned.


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I kicked off the weekend with some major rest and relaxation, nothing out of the ordinary of course, but I thought I would do a lil’ review for you on my flicks.

First up:


Food, Inc.– This was a great documentary. I loved it. It was sad/scary/eye-opening/and part life-changing, or at least improving. Ah, the corporate controlled food industry. I put off watching this movie for a long time, because even though my family has raised us two girls in a ‘healthy’ eating environment, this movie goes to show that ‘healthy’ isn’t always healthy. I highly recommend watching this film. There are only a couple parts where I felt like, oh eew, that’s gross, but nothing I had to close my eyes for or look away. It’s sad to think that a family has to go to the Burger King drive-thru for 5 burgers on the $1 menu and they can’t bring home a head of broccoli because it’s $1.49.

Next up,


The Blind Side– I love, love, LOVE Sandra Bullock. I have a girl-crush on her. She is just incredible. I don’t think she’s really shown all of her talent in past films, but this one, is good. I highly recommend it. Inspiring and best of all, true story- so watch past the credits to see pics of the real family. Oh, and who doesn’t love a lil’ Tim McGraw thrown in the mix?! I know I do.

I did start ‘Up in the Air’ with my secret lover eye candy, George Clooney, but it was well past my bedtime and it turned into a little lullaby which put me out in a good 20 minutes. So, review next time!

As for this goofy funk, I found a cure- wahooooo. Maybe most of you didn’t even know I was in a funk, but 10 days without working out, that’s a funk.

But, my cure-

  1. Skype, my saving grace. Family and friends…for a good 5 hours on Saturday and another 2+ hours on Sunday!
  2. An email from a sweet Everythingtarian
  3. Reconnecting with my long lost friend, J.B. after a 2-month hiatus.

That 6.5 mile run doesn’t hurt either- after a WHOPPING 10-day hiatus. It’s amazing what a little sun does for the soul. Funny thing, being a MN-tan, I experience a funk every year, come January when the holidays are over and we’re in for another 4+ months of cold crap, so in talking with my momma, and failing to convince her to relocate our entire family to the FITTEST state in the country (sorry, not MN…although Minneapolis IS the safest city in the country!!!)- anyway, we decided that we’re going to make a goal of an annual getaway just for the little mood-booster when we’re in the heart of the blustery winter. For sanity’s sake, it’s necessary. Our last family vaca was a trip to Florida when I was a senior in high school ๐Ÿ˜ฆ – that’s 5 years ago. Wah, wah.

But even though back here in Japan it only topped out at 32 degrees on Sunday, I decided to take a sunny stroll to the grocery store. As I was walking, I almost missed two of my students walking on the sidewalk, because they were decked out in ‘street wear’ (looking rather goofy I might add). It’s only March, and these kids are in mini skirts and no coats! Add some chains and loads of mascara (both of which are forbidden at school) and I don’t even recognize the crazy cats.

Other defunking news, there were no absurd shopping temptations either, all I wanted was some good, clean food! I stocked up on Y95 spinach (5 bags, thank you), clearance naners, and loads of town farmer’s apples. Yes, I’m hoarding produce again.

AND, lastly- for the firs time in 3 weeks I put EVERYTHING away, vacuumed, and took out the trash. I swear I haven’t been living like a complete vagrant, but pretty close.

Biggest accomplishment of my Sunday night- making all 5 breakfasts and lunches for the week! JACKPOT!

Goodbye funk, hello sunshine and springtime!…oh and a little more social interaction, too.


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Lucky # 14


With my MAJOR fail in movement yesterday (I swear I had good intentions)…but after my little morning cat nap I awoke to find pure evil at my door:

Yes, something nearly as dramatic. And when I fell asleep, it was sunny = pure bliss. Bah. Well, I suppose today made up for it.

Lucky # 14, you ask? Well, today happens to be the 14th, February 14th–> HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY, again!

My favorite number is 14.

My birthday is the 14th of April, and….

Today, I decided to run 14 miles.

However, after looking at the signs- Hirosaki is actually 14 kilometers away, so REALLY I ran 8.7 miles out, and then back- soooo 17.4 miles!!! No wonder I can’t walk right now!

It was an absolutely gorgeous day out and the roads were pretty much dry. I didn’t even notice that I didn’t have my iPod because I was so captured by the scenery. But I will say- once I got home, I just wanted to collapse! Too bad I’ve put off grocery shopping for 3 weeks! I’ve even rid of all my frozen bananas, frozen broccoli from September!, and I have absolutely no more produce…so sad.

Look at the loot I came back with! Paid in full, with coins: Y4730! YAY

So, I had a budget in mind when I went, seeing that I needed everything, even apples (which says a lot), but since payday isn’t until this Friday, I tried to gather as much of my spare change as possible. Luckily here in Japan, we’ve got Y500 ($5) coin, Y100, and the Y50 coins. Since I had a piggy bank from my supe that I used to chuck the extra change, I finally cracked her open. Thank goodness I did. I counted up over a hundred dollars (Y10000) YAY! So for my grocery outing, I paid in coins, and literally counted out Y4730 in all change. I was.that.girl. And thank God I grabbed what I did…left in my wallet 3 measly coins = Y15. Really cleared out the wallet!

But hear ya’ have it (left to right):

  • 2 bowls of miso ramen (271 kcals, 9g protein, and 1.2 g fat each!)
  • 18 pack biscuits (to all my Londoners, haha) aka cookies- that I plan to break over my morning oats
  • Bag of Kit Kats for the male teachers for Valentine’s Day tomorrow
  • Raisins
  • 3 pouches of Black Beans
  • OMG Banana horder!
  • 3x Apple horder
  • 1 head broc
  • Small container of baby tomat’s
  • 2 cans of whole tomatoes
  • 2 salmon fillets
  • 1 avacado
  • 2 packs of steroid carrots (I learned that they are so big her because of the soil…volcanic)
  • 1 bag of oranges
  • 3 bags of spinach!!!
  • 1 salad dressing
  • 1 curry sauce
  • 1 bag of bean sprouts
  • 1 bag of whole grain cereal to add to my oats, gives a great nutty flave ๐Ÿ™‚
  • 1 Box of Detergeant

Can you believe how much I got?! I was thrilled!


Now, back home, about to zonk out, but I wanted to show you a couple of my Sapporo finds…

They may look ugly, but for Y1200 ($12)- they’re cute. And over some skinny’s, love ’em.

We stopped by this store where everything inside was Y315! I found this scarf tho- on a ‘Happy Sale’ haha, for Y157! And those mini speakers are for my iPod! I got a cute new makeup bag too…sadly a little camera shy.

A nice lil’ spring trench coat- Y1000. A steal. AND- gots me ANOTHER pair of skinny’s for only Y500. Oh, love me some bargains!

I couldn’t even be bothered to prepare my new groceries for lunch because I was so exhausted. Good thing for those Miso Ramen bowls! Yippee!

Off to bed and back at it tomorrowzzzzz.



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My plans:

I’m writing today a list of my plans. This will hopefully ensure fulfillment of these plans:

  • Go for a run after work (despite my maybe broken foot).
  • Write letters to Gma, Gpa, and Lorraine.
  • Green Monster for dinner.
  • Walk to Hirosaki (7miles)- unlikely but thought I would throw it in there.
  • Buy winter boots that don’t cause stress fractures or pulled muscles (a.k.a. have traction).
  • Walk to Alesha’s.
  • Plan Yuki Matsuri.
  • Look at jobs for Caitlin so she can visit me in Japan.
  • Watch T.V.
  • Drink more tea.

These are all attainable, and now I’m held accountable. Also, I added a new PAGE today. It’s called 100. I got the idea from another blog today (because that’s ALL I did so far, read blogs, and eat Reeses’ Peanut Butter cups). Now you can get to know a bit more about me. Enjoy and happy Friday (those on this side of the world).

Have a safe, warm, healthy weekend. Tomorrow:

  • Go to the gym

Ok, now I’m being held accountable.

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Happy Tuesday all! (Even though I’m not actually posting this until my Wednesday- you U.S. readers out there are still on Tuesday!…and I have yet to recap my day anyway).

At the office, without teaching, until the 15th, I must find within me, a lil’ self-motivation for any and everything. Whether it be studying Japanese (ha), cleaning off my desk, going through old files, takin’ a few laps as to prevent a whole day of not moving, update the resume, job search, grad school searching- you name it, I could should be doing it. However, I frequently find myself putzing around with other things. Typical.

One of the biggest changes I’ve had to make since graduating college, and especially since moving here to Japan is the increase in my self-motivation, especially when it comes to exercise and even more now that it’s winter. Ugh. I was thinking about how I love to run, run for miles and miles, hour after hour, BUT there is nothin’ worse than waking up at 5:30a.m. and going for a lil’ jog when you have to do it alone. I miss my mom walks, I miss my daily workouts with various friends back home. So this post here is a shout out to those friends who keep me in line, keep me motivated, and keep me interested in the sport. I love to run, but it’s not nearly as fun or enjoyable when you have to do it alone. So, Napes, Jamie, Megan, Connie, Britt, Havers, K. Trom, and anyone else who I’ve dragged out, or who has pulled me out to pound the pavement. I am thanking you right here. Right now. Let me tell ya- it’s just not the same here in Japan. I have to wake up every morning and motivate myself- there is not a SINGLE runner here in the Tsugaru region that I can easily persuade to get movin’ with me. Sad, sad day- so just know, my runner friends, you are missed. Terribly.

That leads me to touch on my last two days in the small town. I’ve neglected the gym. Well, there was a close attempt on Monday, but because the Japanese like to celebrate the New Year for 4 days…good ol’ Holiday Sports was closed. I was devasted. I even trekked all the way to Hirosaki to find this out. So, I was a little less willing come Tuesday. I blame the jet-lag. Still a viable excuse? Probably not, but I say it is. I got in my 8-minute abs and called it a day, with the company of a bowl of popcorn the The Office to lull me to sleep. Perfection (but surely not self-motivation).

As for the rest of my day at the office:

More like a tour of the Ski Resort…Mr. Bone Man (pictured) and Mr. Supe took me around town to fix the Cash Card at Michinoku bank, pay my accumulating water bill (dang, 2-months worth), and my even more neglected gas bill (eek, 3 months!), and we made the wise choice to sign up for automatic withdrawal (finally)!

But that was not nearly as exciting as the visit to the mountain!

And that my friends, is how you spend your Tuesday afternoon in out of the office. ๐Ÿ™‚


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