
Archive for the ‘Hittin' the Gym’ Category

Hello, I’m alive, still walking, have knee caps in tact, and ready for the half-Mary on Sunday, in celebration of America’s Independence! (Despite the fact that I’m running in Japan :mrgreen: ).

First off, do any of you know about Ms. Special K? Well, besides the fact that her blog is awesome, she owns a Macbook, and her Special K Treatment is spot-on, she’s also living abroad and doing this awesome thing called GIMME YOUR STUFF. What exactly do I mean? Well, look what arrived in my mailbox the other day!

Look at those earrings! LOVE THEM! They’re from Metz, France, and the cute owl card from Durham, England.

And the best for last, Praline Chocolate with Cinnamon Cookie. Um, did I just die and go to heaven and eat it all in one sitting. Yes. It was marvelous. The cinnamon, key ingredient. If only I lived in Brussels, Belgium, I could get some more 😉

Thanks again Krystal! If any of you want to do an exchange with her, head on over to her blog. She’d be more than happy to Give you her stuff, and get some from around the globe, too.


Just across the pond is also my ‘new home’ for the week. Dearest Alesha (aka Crumpet) is off across yet another pond, a much bigger pondHONG KONG, but while she’s away, I graciously accepted her request to house-sit get a break from granny + ’round the clock internet access. Ya don’t have to ask me twice. 😉 Even though I knew it would probably be more work (i.e. riding over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s Alesha’s house we go), I knew it’d be nice to have the peace and quiet for a few nights without checking in with granny and worrying about leaving the windows open for rain to flood in (yep, did that). Even though after staring at Muscles and Spandex (a new eye candy. He likes spandex. I do too 😉 ) getting a brief workout in, I biked to granny’s to gather my overnight bag, proceeded on down to Alesha’s neck of the woods, and parked myself on the couch to fall asleep to the soothing sound of Entourage and The Bachelorette (just kidding, her voice is annoying, not soothing). At any rate, I managed to somehow stay up for not one, but BOTH shows, and even started The Proposal. I was definitely out 2 minutes into that. Barely got a glimpse of my love (Ryan Reynolds).

Up at 5:30am to be out the door by 6, to be on the train by 7. The distance across the pond IS definitely worth the hassle.

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So, I found myself in a little pickle yesterday afternoon, which doesn’t surprise me, or probably most of you either, if you know me…I have run into my fair share of predicaments over the past year. Whether it be falling off my granny bike (numerous times), getting the said bike confiscated and locked up, ending up nearly homeless in Osaka, setting off smoke detectors, the list goes on and on my friends. Well yesterday was no different. Heck, why not add to the list, go out with a bang. I’ve only got 43 more days to pull the ‘gaijin card’ for my mistakes…

From the beginning. Work was blah, blah, boring. It was Sunday after all and I really didn’t want to sit in the hot, stuffy office all day, while the kiddies were out holding their medal bats to the air in the thunderstorm playing baseball, tennis, and other activities. I couldn’t complain though, I was set free the day before. After watching ‘Jumper’ with the English Club, reading blogs, and two power outages later, I decided, what better time than to run 11 miles? According to plan Half-Mary training schedules, I was due for my last long run. The storm had passed by this point, it was nearing 4p.m. with a light drizzle covering the city. I actually really enjoy running in the rain (as long as the air temp is tolerable, not too hot, not too cold). Yesterday was perfect.

I would bore you with my every feeling during the run, but that would be, well, boring. Let’s just say I was feelin’ like a million bucks. Lungs were great, no pings, pinches, or (major) pains, and I was experiencing some serious runner’s high. I loved the whole thing. I tracked my mileage at Livestrong (excellent site), except that Japan doesn’t really have road signs. So I knew I was looking for the 144, and had to go a half mile past that. I kept running, not exactly sure where the 5.5 mile mark was. Still feelin’ good, I pressed on, then I saw Budokan! The gym–in Hirosaki that I go to! I made that my ‘destination’/half-way point. Running back I was slowing down a little bit, but didn’t stop once to walk, I was still going strong.

Then I saw Ms. ichi-nensei drive by. Followed by the VP and Principal. Hmm, wonder who’s left at school. No worries, the security man is for sure there. Well, I arrived back to O-Town Junior High two hours after setting out on my excursion. I came to the door to find it locked. Crap. 20 minutes till the train came, my bag, money, computer, coat, lunch, practically my whole life was upstairs in the office. I knocked pretty hard on the door, followed by incessant pounding. ‘KONNICHI’WA’ Anyone in there? The light was on in the security office, as was the TV (see illustration 🙂 ) Nothing. No answer, no head peeping out of the back room or from down the hall. What’s a girl to do? Use my prior convict skills Try the window, okay! It was open, too! Great security Japan. At this point I’m kind of shaking as I’ve got my leg propped 4 feet above ground level (see illustration), crawling past the spiders, huge fan, and array of documents strewn about. I made it in without plummeting to my death (yes, from the counter top). Being alone in the pitch-black school is a bit unsettling, and the security man isn’t exactly a George Clooney look-a-like. So I ransacked the office in search of the teacher’s office key (still shouting an occasional ‘konnichiwa’). Found the key, then headed up to get my belongings (meanwhile locking the door behind me so no one could follow me in (smart thinkin’, eh?). Only I would be so paranoid. As I was coming back down the stairs to make my stealth exit, who strolls out of the office in search of his master key? Oh yea, the security man. Oops. Caught. No biggie, he was just surprised to see me there, and with my 5 words of Japanese I tried to explain what I was doing in there. He didn’t care, but was curious how I got in. I pointed to the window in his office. He burst out laughing, in complete shock and surprise that I managed to climb through there. Luckily he let me exit through the front door, making in just in time to catch my train. 😀


Then, while riding to Hirosaki, I saw these signs on the train:

Well that was the excitement for my day. Now it’s Monday afternoon, and I have the next two days off! Wahoo!

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Before I recap yesterday’s work, gym, food happenings, I have to share with you all the fabulous treat I found in my closet. You see, I was rummaging through my many bags of purchases I’ve made throughout the year (ok there aren’t THAAAAAT many, I swear), but I was looking for something in particular for my little giveaway (which ends today by the way, so leave a comment on that post, QUICK!). Anyway, in addition to my boatloads of toiletries, hanging scarves, massive suitcases, I also have a pile of bank books, travel docs, and oh, what’s this?!…

…a hundred dollars (well the Japanese equivalent). Yes please. Sometimes I’ve been known to hide money in my wallet to forget about and find later, but this fella was in the deep crevices of my closet, just waiting to greet me. It must have been from my travels when Megan, Britt, and Zach were here and I didn’t spend it (I’m actually sad I didn’t have more stashed away in there) but at any rate, I found $100 dollars today and that’s a reason to celebrate!….or buy your train ticket when you realize after arriving at the station that you’ve forgotten your wallet which carries your train pass. Rats…but thankfully saved by this guy! Don’t you just love when you find money!? Usually I’m pretty stoked by even a $1 bill in my pocket!

Back to yesterday. Work was work. Did a lil’ team teaching, a little omiyage snackin’, then headed off to the gym with Alesha. It was another H.I.I.T. day (2 in a row, wowie), and I nearly spewed again. Gross. I tend to push myself too hard in those last few minutes, legitimately reach my threshold, nearly fly off the treadmill, and then the 30 minutes are up. Done and done. I finish up my arms too, since I skimped the day before. Now they burn. But Muscles was doing pull ups so I had eye candy to motivate me. 😉

Then dinner. Yum X10. So good. Alesha and I hit up Nabe-Ramen in Hirosaki.

Not my pic (Source)

But the rest are. We had Miso Curry Ramen. I was sweating puddles. It was so good I couldn’t stop. I definitely hit and then surpassed comfortable-full about half-way through. And kept going. No regrets. Yum.

Look at these cool cauldron-like bowls! They were huge. I really should have stopped a little sooner than I did. Plus, they added, I swear, a whole can of corn to mine, on top of bean sprouts, some pork, bamboo-ey something, and lots of miso soupy-ness. Oh, delish. I’m salivating thinking about it again. Don’t mind the freaky yellow hue. That’d be the curry goodness.

And then they served us with a dollop of vanilla ice cream dessert. It hit the spot (or filled the last bit of room in my G.I. tract). Oh well. It was all worth it.

I had to roll myself out of the place, then proceed to bike home, and crawl into my floor bed. No time to make my breakfast or lunch for Friday. And by no time, I really mean no energy or motivation. Time for F.R.I.E.N.D.S., my friends.

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Well hello lovelies (this includes male lovelies too). I just felt like saying that for some reason.

It’s Monday morning in Japan, blazin’ hot in this office, I’m high on something (caffeine I’m pretty sure) or life. I came into school with 50+ emails and lemme say, never again will I go ‘unplugged’ for a weekend. I will admit, it was refreshing at the time, but catch up’s a b*&$%. Ha, I think it’s safe to say I’m addicted to the internet. 😳 But anyway, this weekend was epic. I didn’t even do anything that spectacular, but it was to me, and it’s my blog, so therefore epic recap in store.

Friday Fun~

First order of business, run my little heart out. 8 miles and one bathroom pit stop later. Check.

All a part of the training sched, got her outta the way on a lovely Friday afternoon, perfect…since I knew there may not be time this weekend otherwise.

The sight from my ride home with Ms. ichi-nensei:

See that sun settin’ right over yonder beyond Mt. Iwake. That mountain never looks the same on any given day. I love it!

I had ‘plans’ to go home and self-diagnose my new ailments watch House, but when I got the call for curry (real, Indian curry, not Japanese curry) with Alesha and Christine, I obviously couldn’t turn that down, even if it was my second trip of the week (lucky for me, it lasts two meals!). I walked to the eki and brought a little friend* with me.

I sat down with the ladies and they had graciously ordered for me. I was craving Chicken tonight. I was a little ‘misty’ from the humid walk, gross, and all of a sudden I felt a little tickle on the back of my neck. I felt it, and wanted to scream (just shivered now, thinking about it) but there was a huge, yes, a huge freakin’ beetle (that little friend) crawling up my neck toward my head. I grabbed it and threw it at the wall, proceeding to squish it with a napkin and immediately go wash my hands. I don’t mind bugs (that much), but when they’re on me—that’s a-whole-nother story. Bleh. Alesha and I swapped curries (she had Dal and didn’t like it), and so I offered to switch. Not 5 minutes later I found a long black hair in mine (the chef’s). My usual self would have probably made a huge complaint and been super grossed out and maybe slightly peeved. For some reason, I wasn’t and I just took it out and didn’t think about it. We know the owners, nice guys, simple mistake. I left it at that and enjoyed my meal.

After dinner I opted for House and bed. ‘Twas glorious.

Saturday Sun~

My attempt at sleeping in failed as per usual. No joke, I shoot up out of bed at 4:15 EVERYDAY, no matter what. Well, I managed to fall back to sleep until a little after 8a.m. when I was notified via the empty pit that it was time for breakfast. I whipped up some protein-enhanced French Toast with:

  • 1 slice of ‘Nice Bread’
  • 1 egg + 1 white
  • sprinklet of Nutmeg
  • almond extract
  • dabble of real Hokkaido butter
  • boat loads of Cinnamon

My topper was inspired by Angela who came up with the idea of Breakfast Hummus. I don’t think her recipe has debuted yet, but just so you know it was her idea, but this is what mine entailed:

  • 1/2 cuppish (I’m really bad about measuring) chickpeas
  • 1/4 cuppish plain yogurt
  • 1 tbs TJ’s creamy peanut butter
  • 1/2 scoop Chocolate Whey protein powder
  • splash of milk to help the little engine that could (my ghetto blender)
  • 1/2 banana
  • drizz of agave

Blend. It was really good. Perfect topper for my little Frenchie…that and a dollop of Japanese cottage cheese (which I mentioned before is not goopy). It was fabulous. MMMMMMM. So good. I had left over ‘hummus’ and it was really good with some strawbs that I bought later.

After breakfast and more House I peeled myself off the futon and got to Budokan for a little upper body, courtesy of BFL and then set out for some biking and reading (never thought I’d be doin’ that). I love reading but I’m always ‘too busy’ to sit down and enjoy a good book. Times are a changin’. I parked myself, some carrots, an orange, and crab out across a little plot of grass at Hirosaki Castle park and enjoyed the summer sun and my book. I had the opportunity to go to a ballet class (if you know me…and know that I can’t touch my toes) this is the biggest joke ever…but I did almost go. I need some core work, and flexibility. I didn’t end up going, but maybe next week, if I’m brave enough.

On my way home from biking/reading/market shopping~ pesticide-free broccoli: WAHOO, I also snapped a picture of this bike near my house. I just love it:

Then this little granny comes up to me and wants me to take a picture of this weird carriage thing with a Santa Claus in it. No thanks, that thing is creepy and would haunt me for sure. More bikes please 🙂

Just caught my eye, then I was on way.

I had the night to myself and made sure not to do a thing. I loved every minute of it.

Sunday Shopping Shenanigans

I had a shopping date with Tomo at 10a.m. We planned on driving out to Goshogawara for the day (about 30 minutes by car) to hit up Elm shopping center and see what we could find. Oh, and dinner plans for me to introduce American cuisine to the fam was still on the agenda.

With a slight budget in mind, i.e. Molly you leave in 50 days, don’t be dumb and buy anything you don’t have the space for….that idea went slightly according to plan. I bought a small ring and a ‘to die for’ scarf. Oh, and some things from the Foreign Food market (without hesitation). Let’s just say the Palak Paneer purchase got me super stoked (even more than I already am) for my trip to India, which is 40 days and counting. **Pictures tomorrow on those purchases. Promise!

Since I’m a narcoleptic by self-diagnosis, I obviously fell asleep on the car ride home. Tomo and I went for a quick run around Owani before it was dinner time. Which was BOMB! So freakin’ good.

Japanese Suroppi Jiyozu a.k.a. スロッピジョズ (a.k.a. Sloppy Joes)

  • 300 grams ground beef
  • 1 can of tomatoes/onion (in place of processed and sodium-intense Campbell’s soup)
  • 2 tbs brown sugar
  • 1/2 tbs (give or take) spicy mustard
  • ketchup (fair share of drizzle through out pan)
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Buns


  1. Brown meat
  2. Add everything
  3. Stir
  4. Enjoy

Oh boy. That was a HIT! Mama Kase, and Grandma dove right in and loved the sloppy mess. Mama even picked up her ‘burger’ and successfully got every last bit in her mouth and not all over her hands! We enjoyed some Japanese sides of veggies, potato korokke:

…fish, some gloopy seafood animal (not a fan), and fresh out-of-this-world watermelon ($30 for the thing!) as our dessert. Don’t forget the phone call Papa Kase made me make to their eldest son (in Sendai) with whom they wanted me to practice English with. First off, he answered the phone extremely confused as to who I was, why an English-speaking woman was calling him, and what the heck I was saying…all while Papa is laughing hysterically in the background. Lesson failed. Comic relief definitely a success, glad I could be of service. 😀 It was really funny, and topped off my night with the fam.

Ok, each day I realize how hard it’s actually going to be to leave. I’ve already got a ‘training date’ set up with Papa Kase next Saturday at the crack of life (8a.m. for a pre-course run) before my race. Then, the following Sunday (race day) the family is coming to cheer me on and we’re celebrating Mama Kase’s birthday after the race. Don’t forget my premature goodbye party with last year’s teachers happening next weekend too, but first: Tonight’s World Cup Game! Japan vs. Cameroon


I’ll be meetin’ up with a Japanese girl who is friends of another ALT and we’ll hit up the Kaji machi sports bar. Kickoff: 11pm. Gonna be a late night tonight. I promise some pics and that announcement coming in tomorrow’s post!


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Well, it’s not technically the weekend yet, Friday here in Japan and how can I stay away from all of you 😛 I can’t. I just felt like summin’ up my day yesterday and giving you a little peak into weekend festivities. First up, I need to correct my attempt at that Chocananacado Pudding recipe, because I remember now that I added a little Chocolate Protein Powder too, Whey to be exact, 1/2 scoop to be even more precise. It’s not necessary, but just fyi.

Secondly, my workout yesterday was completely, 100% inspired by Ms. Janetha who has 1. An awesome blog, 2. Rockin’ bod, and 3. Really hard workout from BFL. I usually snoop around Meals & Moves for my daily inspiration, so thanks Janetha! It was a H.I.I.T. kinda day (I don’t know how to do the layout nice and neat like her though, so bear with me…oh and Japan measure in kilometers per hour) I did each for 1 minute and 2 % incline:

  1. 8.0 kph
  2. 8.8
  3. 9.7
  4. 12.9
  5. 9.7
  6. 12.9
  7. 9.7
  8. 12.9
  9. 9.7
  10. 12.9
  11. 9.7
  12. 13.7
  13. 9.7
  14. 13.7
  15. 9.7
  16. 13.7
  17. 9.7
  18. 13.7
  19. 9.7
  20. 14.4
  21. 9.7
  22. 14.4
  23. 9.7
  24. 14.4
  25. 9.7
  26. 14.4 @ 8% incline for 1min and 10 seconds
  27. — 29. 8.0 @ 1% incline

30. 6.0

3 minute walk cool-down.

Rough stats (I need a Garmin. Wish list 😉 ) : 33 min/ 437 kcal/ 4.8 km (or 5.3….I forget!)

Alesha and I parted ways on the Dote (Dough-tay) and I made a mad rush for home to make a humungus salad that I was seriously craving. Here in Japan they have this out-of-this-world Sesame dressing. I found a bottle with half the cals and since I practically drink the stuff, I opted for the purchase. When it comes to food, a budget is non-existent in my world. It’s a sin that I spend $3 on 1 cup of cottage cheese per week, sometimes two. To pack in a protein punch, I had a side of cottage cheese with crab and tons of mustard. Before you gag, try it. Phenom. ‘Nuff said. I also had a Protein ‘shake’ to accompany my P90 Ab Ripper X attempt. It was brutal. Hopefully I get better over time!

Drowned in Sesame goodness.

And some crabby goodness. Downed in 2.2. So yummy!!

I took a little break to watch House, and then moseyed downstairs to prepare lunch for the next day. Granny yelling at me yet again for leaving the light on in the side room (yet she’s always leaving the light on in the bathroom!)

Oh, remember how I got two books from the library? I started reading the second one, the title I had previously forgotten, but now remember: “Why Men Don’t Listen, And Women Can’t Read Maps.” It is a fascinating read so far. Yes, I’m reading both books at once. Probably why I never finish what I start! Always got too much goin’ on at once. But I just love this book. It’s by Barbara and Allan Pease and it actually reminds me a lot of my Evolutionary Psychology class in college. The one and ONLY textbook I read cover to cover. It was that good!

*My computer camera only takes ‘mirror image’ pics. So everything is backwards. 😛

Taken from “Why Men Don’t Listen, And Women Can’t Read Maps”:

When a man goes to a rest room, he usually goes for one reason and one reason only. Women use rest rooms as social lounges and therapy rooms. Women who go to a rest room as strangers can come out best friends and lifelong buddies…Men dominate TV remote controls and flick through the channels; women don’t mind watching the commercials. Under pressure, men drink alcohol and invade other countries; women eat chocolate and go shopping…Women criticize men for being insensitive, uncaring, not listening, not being warm and compassionate, not talking, not giving enough love, not being committed to relationships, wanting to have sex rather than make love, and leaving the toilet seat up…Men criticize women about their driving, for not being able to read street directories, for turning maps upside down, for their lack of a sense of direction, for talking too much without getting to the point, for not initiating sex often enough, and for leaving the toilet seat down…Men can never find a pair of socks, but their CDs are in alphabetical order…Women can always find the missing set of car keys but rarely the most direct route to their destination…Men think they’re the more sensible sex…Women know they are.

I’m excited to find out more reasons why men are so confusing. 😉


In store for the weekend is first and foremost: Sleep. I wake up EVERY freakin’ day at the crack of life (thank ‘Lesh for the phrase, ha), and run of course. Got an 8-miler to tackle, the gym to hit up (hoping Muscles* will be there 😉 ) biking to Apple Park for a picnic, Don Don’s consignment shop, groceries, lunch prepping, and Sunday FUNDAY spent with Tomo shopping on the west coast (Goshogawara) and dinner with her fam. Rumor has it, I’m makin’ Sloppy Joes! Can’t wait.

I hope you all have a FABULOUS weekend where ever you are! P.S. ANNOUNCEMENT on Monday (your Sunday U.S.A.) Stay tuned!



*Muscles~ In college, my roomie Jamie and I would name our secret ‘library & or gym crushes’ by something they did or how they looked. It was our code name for the “McSteamy’s and McDreamy’s of Minnesota” if you will. We were weird. A few that I remember (Muscles– obvious reasons, Chile– this one kid who studied abroad there, Prancer– this kid on a treadmill, what a sight…) Oh the good ol’ days. 😀

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Hellooooooooo there!

It was another grand ol’ day here in O-town with a bunch of 2nd graders on my hand, and boy were they rowdy. Slightly OC if you ask me. Definitely a good birth control. Sheesh. We’ve got Yu who sits in the front row, inches from my desk, playing with my emotion faces on a stick all hour, Yuma making bodily function noises, Tatsumi fascinated with the English word: “ouch” and keeps insisting I fake punch him just so he can keep repeating “ouchie, ouchie.” While it is frustrating at times, I mostly can’t help but laugh. Mostly because in 55 days, it’s sayonara smart a$$es, I no longer have to deal with you (but that leaves the little hellions to poor Ms. ni-nensei), and then I feel bad for her.

Crazy cats I tell ya!

After a day of practically pulling teeth to get the kids to cooperate, I was off and motivated to test out another new gym! Apparently in Hirosaki, there are a few pay by the hour places. Not NEARLY as nice as my spoiled experience at Holiday though. I miss that place. Walking to the station, however, was a lovely treat for the eye.

Back to green mountains, hallelujah!

The beginning of Main Street (I highly doubt that’s what it’s actually called). Oh wait, they don’t have street signs here.

On the train and bound for Hiro by 4:15p.m. I made the executive decision to walk to the new gym Sasamori and get in a quick lift before going for a jog with my new friend Tomo (a student teacher at O-Town Junior High).

Let me just say: The gym is ghe-tto. To the max. I was just about to take pics (since I was the only one in the small room), but then my batteries died. Picture yellow plastic-y patio furniture material, circa 1970’s and some weird chains to pull up the weights. I think I nearly pulled a muscle with how stiff the chains were. No free weights and some funky looking machines. It ended up costing Y210 (~$2) per hour and was not really worth it. However, I did get to blast my own tunes, so that’s a relief.

I also picked up a few books at the nearby library. Now I can officially start my 10 books for pleasure on the List! I picked up: “Anticancer” by David Servan-Schreiber MD, PhD. I’m on Chapter 2 already, and being a recently converted attempted health nut. This book is the most interesting thing I’ve read all year. (Besides food blogs of course). On the cover it says:

All of us have cancer cells in our bodies. But not all of us will develop cancer.

Expect reviews of the chapters and key points as I make my way through it. So far, I can’t put it down!

And the second book I forgot the title, something like “Why men don’t listen and women don’t….” I can’t remember, haha. Get back to ya on that!

After our run around Hirosaki, I planted myself in the kitchen for a good hour or more to prepare meals, chicken, AVACADO-BANANA-CACAO POWDER pudding. It was the best thing since all-natural nut butters. I’m in love, and hooked! So freakin’ good. I would give you my recipe, but my adaptation is probably not as good as all the ‘pros’ out there in the bloggie world. Search for theirs instead. 🙂

Bed. Time. We all know I’ll be shooting outta bed at 4a.m. (Exactly 1 hour and 25 minutes before my set alarm time.)


P.S. Does anyone know how to personalize your own signature for each post? Maybe it’s time I buy my own domain and more space too? I’m a bloggie beginner with very little knowledge here!!

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Monday Monday, so good to me,
Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be

Courtesy of the Mamas and the Papas.

If it wasn’t for my mother blasting K108 in our 1980-something red Astro van, I don’t think I would be so lucky to have the cultural knowledge of our fair friends from the 60’s, 70’s, and today. That and the lovely Ms. Aretha, whom I thought was singing and I would belt out: “Chain, chain, chain…chain of FOODS” (Maybe this was the foreshadowing for my love of food blogs, hmmm I think so.)

Now, where was I? Oh yes, Monday. Always a good day when following an epic weekend. The sun was shining, low humidity (for the time being), oh and what’s this…

Is this what I think it is!? OMG, yes, goodbye oldies, Hanson’s MmmBop and Ashanti’s Christmas CD (don’t ask me why these are still on shuffle on my workout play list). Maybe, because I was in dire need of an update?! Hmm, I think so. And the FABULOUS Jenny sent me not one, but two CD mixes for my listening and pounding (the pavement) pleasure. Jenny, you rock. Not just musically, but this girl has a killer fashion sense. 365 different ones. Thanks again Jenny for sending love all the way to freakin’ Japan!

Following a day of no teaching leads me to be even more lazy than when I walk the halls and aisles for 6+ hours. So, I really had to wrack my brain and body to muster up the energy to hit the gym. But first, had to swing by the old abode to get that pesty modem that YahooBB is making me send back in order to cancel my internet, from March. That’s annoying. I made a jog outta the route and probably went about 1.5-2 miles. I tried to take it easy since my shins are crying. 😮 (I think it’s time for new shooooooes. Too bad that’s not at the top of my budgeting priorities). At any rate, I failed to keep my shirt dry. Bust sweat anyone? No shame. Sorry for the visual, but I can’t seem to stop this incessant sweat, and it’s not even in the 80’s yet. I wonder what the teachers think when I return to the office with patterns of my wet shirt in odd places?

It didn’t stop there of course. Alesha and I made it to Budokan before our planned Curry date (yes, the same place I ventured to alone last week).

But before the lovely treat of curry fulfilled my palates needs, we *H.I.I.T.* up a quick speed workout and brief lifting sesh.

It went something like this:

  • 5 minute warm up at 6.5 (2% incline)
  • 1: 11.3 kph: 60 sec/7.0: 60sec (adds up to 2 minutes, clearly)
  • 2: 12.0 kph: 55 sec/7.0: 65 secs (adds up to 2 min)
  • 3: 12.9 kph: 50 sec/7.0: 70 secs (2 min)
  • 4: 13.7 kph: 45 sec/7.0: 75 secs (2 min)
  • 5: 14.4 kph: 40 sec/7.0: 80 secs (2 min)
  • 6: 14.4 kph: 40 sec/7.0: 80 secs (2 min)
  • 7: 13.7 kph: 45 sec/7.0: 75 secs (2 min)
  • 8: 12.9 kph: 50 sec/7.0: 70 secs (2 min)
  • 9: 12.0 kph: 55 sec/7.0: 65 secs (2 min)
  • 10: 14.4 @ 5% incline for 60 sec/ 7.0: 60 secs (2 min)
  • 5 minute cool down: 6.0 @5% incline

Rough stats: 30 minutes/376 kcal/ 4.30 km.

If my new tunes weren’t motivation enough, the 6 year old boy running at a 12% incline on the tread next to me sure was. Is that legal? No joke, he was under 10 years old.

We wrapped up the workout with a quick upper body lifting and headed out to feast. There was not one spec of my shirt that wasn’t soaked. Ok, lie, there was a one inch splotch on either of my sides, at the very bottom near the seams. I swear, I couldn’t prevent it even if I tried. The same goes for my walk to the station + backpack = soaked back, lunchtime walk to the bank = perspiring face, and the worst: soccer at recess = sweaty panties, shirt, face, feet, everywhere.

It was clearly dinner time. At this point, I could have chewed off my right arm, but staved my hunger with a lil’ protein powder + water until our final destination. Perfection in a bowl + in a basket + the lassi in my cup =  completely.satisfied.

Dinner + laundry + shower + lunch leftovers all done by 10p.m. In bed and out before I could even turn off the lights. Hope granny doesn’t mosey on upstairs and announce my error while I’m in a deep slumber. I may actually get 7 hours of sleep! 😯


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There is never a dull moment here in O-town with my students constantly entertaining me, coming up with a slur of ‘English’ phrases, or just the simple high-fives as we walk down the hallways…Except for the non-teaching days where I get sucked into this little MacBook Pro for godknowshowmanyhours and don’t even realize I haven’t looked up and it’s already 3:30p.m. (yes it happens, frequently).

However, for a sunny Thursday over here in Japan I kept quite busy and had a full day of teaching ahead. First up, the 3rd graders. This year for the kids it’s been pretty tough and more often than not, unenjoyable (I’m not the lesson planner 😦 ). They will begin preparing for the high school entrance exams soon and there there will be no.more.fun. Plus I’m leaving, so it’s safe to say their lives will suck. 😛

However, today, more chatty than usual, I spent the period walking the aisles and talking with my faves. Then I heard some whispers, so I turn around and give an icy glare.

Shogo (boy): “Beautiful”

(Thanks, but what were you previously saying back there you little stinker)

Shogo: “Nice body” (remember, he’s 14)

Yui (girl): “Big bust”

(I’m aware, I would shrink ’em if I could)

Molly: (I make a sad face) “I know”

Shogo: Bust love (came out more like: Busto lub)

You know the hideous ‘outburst laugh’ where you can’t really control the instant, loud, sometimes-snort-included laughter. It’s one of my faults. It’s not a cute laugh, but it makes an appearance when something is really funny, and although it was probably not completely appropriate for a 14-year old boy to make those comments, it was better than one of the students just coming out and grabbing them (that’s happened to ALT’s before). So, all I could do was laugh…yes, encouraging their behavior. And then we got “shushed” by the teacher.


For some reason it was the day for comments. I also was referred to Beyonce, as if my “booty was bangin’ “, oh and Shogo also noticing, commenting, and laughing at my big nose. Thanks guys. Self-esteem is sky-high now. I just keep telling myself (with the help of my mother’s reassurance and positive feedback) They’re just kids and I’m probably the first foreigner they’ve ever seen, so I obviously look different. That, or I need to start sticking to my training plan a little more religiously.

After work was when the real fun began. I met up with Alesha and we moseyed on over to the gym for a quick sweat sesh. This girl is a hoot. I wish you could all have Bri-ish friends. 1.) You can practice your own accent and constantly get ridiculed for how absolutely ridiculous you sound 2.) You can learn about the Queen, because odds are, they’ve met 😉 and 3.) On top of that amazing accent, practically comes a whole new language, full of ‘bruvs’, ‘mates’, ‘they’re just takin a piss’,  and calling cookies ‘biscuits’. In 60 days, I’m gonna miss all that.

On our way to dinner with Joel (his last night, tear) and Rachelle, we were blessed with nature’s beauty.

And then more beauty…on our plates:

This is my Miso Shrimp plate. I could have inhaled it in about 2.2. Luckily, we had to do the cooking first, which slowed down the process and prevented any sort of inhalation and risk of choking.

Here we have Pocket firin’ up the grill and tending to our hotate. Omg, ‘gasm food. Soooo good. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, is that in all the years I missed out on the scrumptiousness of seafood, fearing the fishy smell/taste of it (unbeknown to me, not all seafood taste like Cub Foods fish sticks…more like none of it does, since it’s actually real seafood), but it is sooo freakin’ good.

And then the unspeakable happened, I ventured waaaay outta my comfort zone, and once again braved a new type of cuisine. Tongue!!!

It was waaaaay better than whale and a lot better than Intestines and/or fish eggs.

What a fun-filled night on the town! Bye Joel, we’ll miss you!

Not an ounce of energy left in me. It’s one of those nights where I get home, climb into bed and forget about any and all things I should be preparing, like teeth-brushing, face-washing, and lunch-making. That’s what tomorrow is for. Nighty-night.


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Look at Granny’s green thumb! Looks like she does have a few other hobbies besides basket-weaving. 😉

Not only does her yard radiate with fresh signs of spring, but the entire city is blooming, and seriously, these flowers smell so good, they could easily be mistaken for grape-flavored fruit snacks.

Summin’ up the weekend here in Hirosaki, there was nothing but sunshine and miles to be ran. Remember the races I’ve gotta prepare for? It all sounded like fun, until I had to throw in a long mileage day, like this weekend…with a 9-miler. But before I pounded the pavement, I took full advantage of my rest day Friday and laid low a la casa de Rachelle. And look how awesome her mom is!!! She brought me a little love from Toronto and I couldn’t be more excited! My first piece of Lululemon attire!

Thanks Pocket’s mom!!! 😀

Saturday turned out to be a very productive day, including a 4-miler in the a.m. to go fetch my bike, still at Alesha’s from last weekend. 😯

I made a quick pit stop by the public library to return Marley and Me, which I FINALLY finished, which I definitely cried reading (and I don’t even care for animals…I’m going to hell, I know), and which I checked out LAST AUGUST. When I walked in and started skimming the shelves for a new read, I realized that once they check-in my book and see when it was rented…I’m thinking I’m probably banned from ever checking out books again. Oops. I left empty-handed, but maybe I’ll muster up the courage to go back. 😉

I decided to get a little more fitness in for the day, since my alternative was to go home and do laundry (no thanks) and when I biked to Budokan for a 20 minute H.I.I.T. cardio blast, I left with squeezing in an upper body lift sesh, too. Wow, talk about motivation comin’ outta left field. Must be that sunshine!

After picking up a few groceries (I swear I’m always doing that!) I headed back to Granny’s to have an early night in with F.R.I.E.N.D.S (the show, although I’d like to consider them my real ones), and was up to great my 9-miler on Sunday morning at 6a.m.

It’s been a glorious weekend thus far! More sunshine ahead in the forecast, and guess who’s happy? :mrgreen:


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So it’s FINALLY Friday and that can only mean ONE THING…the 6 day streak of rain is OVAH!!…that is, if Mother Nature cooperates and follows through on her promise of sun for the next 5 days. That would be nice.

The workday is done, I’m off for a run, but to keep you all occupied until my next (and much more exciting) post I’ll leave you with my new project:

Like many other bloggers, I’ve jumped on the bandwagon: 101 in 1001.


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